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Serving Others

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. – Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

At Dwelling Place Ministries we see the importance of couples serving together.

In a time when most ministry spit the couple up, we want to encourage you to find ways to serve together. We want to give you suggestions on how you can serve others together as couples.

At church:

* Mentor a young couple or new parents.

* Serve as church greeters, perhaps together with your children. (If you church allows this) Your kids will learn how to greet others, and those who are greeted love seeing them.

* Teach adults and/or children your woodworking, knitting or other craft skills.

* Teach younger couples about once-a-month cooking, organizing or other practical skills. Don’t forget; men like to cook, too.

In the community:

* Adopt a military family, especially when a spouse is deployed.

* Adopt a college student or foreign exchange student. Have him/her over for a meal, even if it’s just once a month.

* Volunteer to help build a Habitat for Humanity home.

* Coach a youth sports together.

Serving in the holidays: ·

* Offer to baby-sit for couples in your church. Parents with younger children are often in desperate need of “alone time” for shopping or a date night.

* Have a few church kids over to make gifts for their parents.

* Have a cookie-baking fest with a few couples in the church, then share your baked goods.

* Offer to help a single person decorate her home for Christmas; no one wants to decorate alone.

There are always ways to serve others, sometimes we just have to look. Serving together is such a blessing to you both and to others as well. Try it and see.

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