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A World of Comparisons

We live in a world of comparisons.

All too often we find ourselves looking at what we don’t have and wondering what it would be like to have it. We consider diets and possibly surgery to look more like people we see in magazines. We look at our neighbor’s car and wonder what it would be like to not have to deal with the oil leaking monster in our driveway. We look at other people’s lives and wish we had what they had or at least a different life than our own. We gaze at perfectly posed pictures on social media and wish we were in the tropics rather than the cold darkness of our sterile cubicle at work. We may even consider other marriages and falsely assume they don’t wrestle with the same problems we do. We may live in a world of comparisons, but we don’t have to participate.

From the very beginning we see that God created man in His image (Genesis 1:27). This coupled with the fact that God loves us enough to send His Son as a sacrifice for our salvation means you and I have infinite value. Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (NIV).

Not only do we have infinite value, but God found value in us, value enough to send His only Son, while we were set against Him! If that were not enough, God has promised His presence with us to the end of time. Hebrews 13:5 states, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’”(NIV).

Notice, our contentment is in His presence not our wealth or things we accumulate. So next time you look at what your neighbor may have that you lack, remember, you have a loving God whose presence is more than enough. There truly is no comparison needed!

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